
Capistrano 3.1.0からdeploy:restartが自動実行されなくなった - Qiita

入門 Capistrano 3 ~ 全ての手作業を生まれる前に消し去りたい | エンジニアブログ | GREE Engineering

# cap -v
Capistrano Version: 3.16.0 (Rake Version: 13.0.3)
cap deploy                         # Deploy a new release
cap deploy:check                   # Check required files and directories exist
cap deploy:check:directories       # Check shared and release directories exist
cap deploy:check:linked_dirs       # Check directories to be linked exist in shared
cap deploy:check:linked_files      # Check files to be linked exist in shared
cap deploy:check:make_linked_dirs  # Check directories of files to be linked exist in shared
cap deploy:cleanup                 # Clean up old releases
cap deploy:cleanup_rollback        # Remove and archive rolled-back release
cap deploy:finished                # Finished
cap deploy:finishing               # Finish the deployment, clean up server(s)
cap deploy:finishing_rollback      # Finish the rollback, clean up server(s)
cap deploy:log_revision            # Log details of the deploy
cap deploy:published               # Published
cap deploy:publishing              # Publish the release
cap deploy:revert_release          # Revert to previous release timestamp
cap deploy:reverted                # Reverted
cap deploy:reverting               # Revert server(s) to previous release
cap deploy:rollback                # Rollback to previous release
cap deploy:set_current_revision    # Place a REVISION file with the current revision SHA in the current release path
cap deploy:started                 # Started
cap deploy:starting                # Start a deployment, make sure server(s) ready
cap deploy:symlink:linked_dirs     # Symlink linked directories
cap deploy:symlink:linked_files    # Symlink linked files
cap deploy:symlink:release         # Symlink release to current
cap deploy:symlink:shared          # Symlink files and directories from shared to release
cap deploy:updated                 # Updated
cap deploy:updating                # Update server(s) by setting up a new release
cap doctor                         # Display a Capistrano troubleshooting report (all doctor: tasks)
cap doctor:environment             # Display Ruby environment details
cap doctor:gems                    # Display Capistrano gem versions
cap doctor:servers                 # Display the effective servers configuration
cap doctor:variables               # Display the values of all Capistrano variables
cap git:check                      # Check that the repository is reachable
cap git:clone                      # Clone the repo to the cache
cap git:create_release             # Copy repo to releases
cap git:set_current_revision       # Determine the revision that will be deployed
cap git:update                     # Update the repo mirror to reflect the origin state
cap git:wrapper                    # Upload the git wrapper script, this script guarantees that we can script git witho...
cap install                        # Install Capistrano, cap install STAGES=staging,production
cap restart                        # Restart application

capistrano3のデプロイを把握する - Qiita

capistrano3のコードを読んで仕組みを理解する - ぼっち勉強会

Capistrano3で本番環境とステージング環境を切り替えて自動デプロイ。導入メモ。 - Qiita

ruby - Capistrano 3 does not restart after deploy - Stack Overflow

capistrano3のデプロイを把握する - Qiita